Survey Stakes

Material and Sizes

We provide a complete range of stakes that are specifically designed for surveying requirements. From marking property lines, construction layout, and utility locating, our stakes are made of high-quality materials that ensure ruggedness, durability, and longevity. Our stakes have been carefully engineered to meet the highest industry standards, and they come in various sizes and types of wood to meet the diverse needs of our customers. Survey Stakes are typically produced from North American and Caribbean Pine.

Standard Dimensions

3/4" x 3/4" x 48"

1" x 1" x 30"

1” x 1” x 36”

1” x 1” x 42”

1” x 1” x 48”

1” x 1” x 60”

1” x 1” x 72”

1” x 1” x 84”

1” x 1” x 96”

*Other sized available